Friday, June 22, 2012

Car 54 Where Are You?

The Purcellville Police Department consists of 15 full time officers and 1.5 administrative positions.  This year's budget includes $1,332,345 for salaries and benefits and $249,024 for equipment and training, etc.* One of the recent purchases was an outfitted Chevy Tahoe, with all the bells and whistles. Beautiful vehicle, even though I'm not a Chevy girl. So what happened to the 2002 Chevy Blazer?  It was taken out of service to make way for this beauty. A recent FOIA request revealed service documents forwarded from Terry's Auto Body and forwarded from Bridge's Auto Center. Considering that it had been involved in an accident in 2006 with just 32,000 miles, the regular oil change and service was performed every 6 months. It is nice to see that the Town is believes in Shop Purcellville!

At a meeting earlier this year, Chief Smith mentioned that the Blazer had approximately 130,000 miles logged on it and, it served the public well. It is difficult to hold on to older vehicles that may become a safety issue and the Town made the right decision putting safety of our officers and responsiveness to the community first. The Blazer was placed on surplus and sealed bid auctioned. A lucky someone got a gem of a deal.

Source: * Town of Purcellville, FY 2012 Adopted Budget Book 3, page 27