Monday, March 14, 2016

Parks and Recreations Sports Grants

On Tuesday, March 8 the Purcellville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) presented to the Town Council recommendations for youth sports grants awards that were budgeted for in fiscal year 2016. In the FY 2016 budget session the Town Council voted to allocate $5200 to the Parks and Recreation budget for sports grants once again to what can be assumed to be non-profit organizations that support the youth of Purcellville.  Those funds were awarded during this Town Council meeting.

The youth sports grants were initiated after resident Bill Druhan (former mayor) read a letter into the record from the head of the Upper Loudoun Youth Football League (ULYFL) at the March 13, 2007 Town Council meeting. “Although the league is in good financial condition, undertaking more importantly operating such a huge project would require more revenue sources. While you undertake your FY 08 budget deliberation the Upper Loudoun Football League requests that you consider making an annual contribution to this worthwhile program.” Since fiscal year 2008 (July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008) the Town Council has allocated funds to support these youth programs, in addition to many community events held in the town that benefit all of the residents. Nine years of donating funds which are now allocated from the Parks and Recreation Fund, the same fund that the town deposits additional assessments created by the Fireman’s Field Tax District for a project the town could not afford (renovation to Bush Tabernacle).

The town announces the grant availability through a press release each year. Once applications are collected by the town, the requests are sent via email to the PRAB for review. PRAB members gather at the receipt of the requests to review the applications for what would be assumed a set criteria and overall guideline established by the board, department, town manager or council for award process. The selected recipients and designated amounts by PRAB are presented at the next Town Council meeting.

This year the town announced the grant availability on January 6. Another announcement was released on January 28, extending the application date until February 1. “The Town of Purcellville is accepting applications from local organizations for the Annual Sports League Funding. Applicant organizations must serve the Town of Purcellville area and have citizens of the Town of Purcellville as players. Priority consideration will be given to sports teams from Purcellville that have an open participation policy where all players are allowed to play regardless of skill level.” At the February 16, 2016 PRAB meeting, members sat in a deafening silence and shuffled through the pages of nine applications without direction or purpose and surely without guidelines. Their review was based on feelings and thoughts and those they knew.  One member stated, “Yea, Anthony is a good friend of mine.”

How is the PRAB validating the information in the applications? The application asked if they were a “charitable organization” which can be confusing, instead of asking if the organization had a 501(c)3 status. The application asked the organization to provide a copy of proof and only two of the organizations did, even though some may still be “not for profit” organizations.  Whose job was it to follow-up with the organization to secure the proof? Were only some organizations required to provide proof? How were they justifying the amount for the award?  How was the PRAB concurring with the grant requested was indeed the amount they needed?  You can listen to the entire PRAB meeting here. There are no written meeting minutes only audio. I guess they don’t plan on including those that are hearing impaired.

Over the last several years the town awarded to repeat applicants and increased award monies to what sounds a lot of the organization would “fold” if not for the funding by the taxpayers of Purcellville.  Are other municipalities giving to these organization, or only Purcellville?  How is it that one letter read into the record in 2007 can generate the over $45,000 in donations to organizations that provide team sports where Purcellville members make up less than half of their organization? But the town cannot provide the citizens the transparency for $5000, they’ve asked for when it comes to the financial dealings in the town?

Although the data presented to council by the PRAB was from data since 2009, these funds still total over $40,000 not including 2008.

Number of Applicants – 9
Total Funding Requested - $9,200
Total Number of Participants - 1305
Total Number of Purcellville Participants - 601
Total Funding Recommended to Council - $4,600
Total Funding Approved by Council - $5,200

A motion made by Councilman Patrick McConville pushed the amount recommended by PRAB from $4,600 to $5,200 because he wanted to donate money to Woodgrove High School and Loudoun Valley High School’s upcoming volleyball event.

Councilwoman Lehr even questioned the reasoning behind the award amounts, but still voted for the funding. She also stated that would be one less child on the street if they play sports.  Sports has not prevented the bigger problems with our youth that this community has witnessed in the last few years.

Of course this council decision went viral with the former mayor Bob Lazaro  blasting Mayor Fraser and Councilwoman Jimmerson for their “no” vote.  Saying that they were voting against the children of Purcellville. “Interesting to read about Town politicians talk about their concerns for youth, but when they have a chance to support our kids they vote against their interests.  Several years ago we put small amount ($5) in Town budget to support youth athletic organizations. No doubt of the importance youth sports has in keeping our children out of harms way.  Last night the Council voted 5-2 to support the effort. Thank you Council Members Joan Lehr, Patrick McConville II, Fuller and Nave for supporting this effort. Actions speak louder than words.” 

If was quickly mimicked by want-to-be-on-council-so-our-projects-get-approved Sam Chapman. “Several years back our Council set aside a small amount of money ($4-5K) in the Town budget to support youth athletic organizations. I don't need to elaborate on the importance of youth sports. This is a no brainier, right? Last night I witnessed the Council vote 5-2 to support this effort. Yes, two Council members did not support this action. Today, we should all say thank you to Joan Lehr, Patrick McConville II, McCollum, Fuller and Nave for supporting this effort. Some of the best memories I have link back to Fireman's Field and Haske Field.

Mayor Fraser stated, “My only comment before move to vote is that I love sports and tonight I will be against this because the process we have in place and to a degree I should have done more vetting when this was brought to us before, but clearly we might be taking taxpayers dollars and providing to private entities, and I am against that. In addition to that less than 50% of the participants are a resident of Purcellville, so as a taxpayer I do not want our money going to subsidize that. I might be a good and valid cause, right, but we need to have a process in place and make sure that the need is there and based on that need we provide taxpayers’ dollars if we all as a council agree on that. So for now, I’m against this.”

Correct me here if I am wrong, are these funds to help the children of Purcellville that cannot afford to play sports or the organizations? This year there was an extension to get more organizations to submit applications. Why is that, when the organization that initially asked for support in 2007, Upper Loudoun Youth Football, received ZERO dollars this year. I don’t know of any of these non-profit organization turn away a child that wants to play but parents can’t afford it. Here are the funds that have been dispursed since 2009. 

I have been involved in baseball for over 12 year years and they have NEVER turned away a participant because they could not afford to play. Maybe the PRAB could do a little work and revise the application to assure that the monies the town is spending does indeed go to children of Purcellville if that IS who they are benefiting. In the future if you want to do something for all the children of Purcellville, make it purposeful, include ALL children, not just those that are in athletics. Include the arts, community service.  Continue to have events that involve ALL children.  A simple proof of a “not for profit” status would be to ask applicants to provide a copy of their IRS 990 form. Not only will this provide the proof that they are indeed a non-profit, but indicate their financial need. Get the applications to the PRAB prior to the meeting so they can review and have a purposeful discussion.

Purcellville was small in 2000 and there were no sports awards and there were less children at risk. Why is that? Maybe this issue with the council members that voted for the approval of these grants is that they do not know the purpose of Parks and Recreation. Taken directly from the FY 2015/2016 Budget it is described in the following: