Monday, April 30, 2012

Purcellville Election Eve Reflection

I had the opportunity again yesterday to knock on doors in the heart of Purcellville. Again, the same thing that I had been thinking all along, residents too, had been thinking. When I moved to Town in 2001, I moved away from construction projects and shopping centers to retreat to a quiet farm town in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. But someone pulled the plug on rural and now have started Ashburning Purcellville. 

Yesterday evening's visit through Kingsbridge community was like a knife through me when I viewed what is behind the homes on Wexford Place. I would like to ask Town Council and Mayor Lazaro if you have visited these homes at dark. Let me help with the answer, NO! You haven't visited at dark because these homes will never know what dark is. It is an embarrassment that this project was allowed. Nothing like driving into our quaint town, only to see the back of a shopping center, with loading docks, employee smoking areas, and with the trash receptacles as the welcoming ornament. 

I wonder how much the town uses in electricity at Town Hall and the Tabernacle... because the lights are ALWAYS on! We are far from being green. Don't make me laugh when you say we're Tree City either. I think you've cut down the trees at Fireman's Field to send off to be made into paper so you can announce a new recycling program, so that too can get an award. Who are you people? 

I know for sure that a lot of time is spent getting us awards, when the fact is that our gems are the people of this town.  The days of building the political portfolio on the wallets of the town's people is over. My job is to halt spending, enforce transparency, and step into the 21st century with automation. 

I'll be looking for you at the polls Tuesday, May 1. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me  at: 

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