That's what you're lead to believe. But when the "people" that are assigned to a decision making position, the power goes to their head. Look at these recent scandals regarding IRS, Benghazi, and FoxNews. And you thought after the Fast and Furious controversy it would get brushed under the rug? If you lie, you have to lie in all instances. Most of these people involved in scandals established their power in their community through committees and small town elected position. It just doesn't start at the White House.
Take a look at Washington, DC. Mayor Marion Barry was reelected even though he engaged in unsavory activities while in public office. The public in general feels there is comfort in the "known," and feel it's the devil you don't know that they have to worry about. You know... like it the movie the Distinguished Gentleman, it's the name you know. Barry too built his resume even though he had these scandals revealed.
So goes small town politics. Building a resume is important to even small town elected officials. They will do what needs to be done to add more ink to paper and reflect a diverse background so it enables a bigger hand up to a bigger step in larger government. Traveling to other countries sharing ideas on health, climate, transportation, and energy, all the while billing you the taxpayer for it.
Currently the Town of Purcellville is attempting to garner additional funding for the reconstruction of 21st Street in Historic Downtown. According to the grant application to the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB), there was overwhelming support for the project by businesses. Could this be adding ink to the paper?
Upon looking closely at the application, the majority of the businesses listed the same location, which was the Purcellville Community Farmers Market on 21st Street. These vendors do no have a business license, nor do they live in Purcellville. Otherwise known as "no dog in the fight." Of course, there was support by Blue Ridge District Supervisor, Janet Clarke, (resident) and Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chairman, Scott York - those other faux Republicans. But it doesn't end there. John Chapman (business owner and property owner) penned several letters under his various company names. Each of the letters counted as support for the project. There are additional letters of support from a business owner, who is also a resident, and various form letters from 2011 that were resubmitted in this funding round.
What the Town doesn't tell you is that there is a great deal of residents that do not want to see Phase 2 of this project completed. So the "town's" (using town to denote elected officials, employees and those secretly in tight with the administration) M.O. is to communicate with the CTB to try to portray residents as unhappy and just one step away from looney. Bottom line, taxpayers were lied to about the fiscal responsibility and the purpose of this project. This project is clearly to prep this area so that the downtown area will be more attractive to an investor for that 5-story hotel planned for the corner of O Street and 21st.
To burden the residents with additional taxes, especially after just getting a big whopper of an increase between water rates and Fireman's Field Tax District, is criminal. If the Town would promote important committee meetings and input sessions with as much zeal as they do for other community events on the famous flashing board, more people would attend meetings to express their concerns. Wait! That's right, they don't want YOUR input.
So to navigate against deceit, I have taken the time to write to the Mr. Gary Garcynski of the Commonwealth Transportation Board and ask that they do not approve this project. I cited all of the inconsistencies and falsehoods stated by our public officials. This nearly $3 million is wasted taxpayers dollars. There were too many untruths in the grant application and in public Infrastructure meetings, only to make the approval of this project an endorsement of fraud. If you care about how much money you're giving to your debted town, write to Mr. Garcynski before the Commonwealth Transportation Board approval meeting in June and let him know. This money surely could be used for the infrastructure of Moore, OK. If you need more information on this project or would like to contact me, please use the link at the right.
Trust only resides in God. I trust that God is watching.
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