Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Difference Between Elected Officials and Hired Staff

The community chatter is gainfully engaged with some added finger-pointing at the elected officials over the issues that occurred last year and are still on-going through an independent investigation.

First, let me set everyone straight, the Mayor and Council (all of the them) do not operate the town.  They do not make personnel decisions, with the exception of the Town Manager and the Town Attorney.  Issues that have come to light are the responsibilities of those in leaderships positions in the town which include the Town Manager and the Department Managers.  Many think that the Mayor and Town Council hired the Public Works Director, who was placed in a temporary, interim Town Manager responsibility.  They did not.  They selected him as an interim probably because he manages the largest department in town and has been tasked with the position previously.  The public also thinks the Town Council fired the Police Chief.  They did not.  Hiring and firing of staff is the responsibility of the Town Manager. 

Secondly, it is obvious that the existing town policies have not been adhered to in the past, or there were none.  It is the Town Council's responsibility under the leadership of the Mayor to develop policy.  It is the Town Manager's responsibility to enforce it.  Conducting an operational audit will reveal deficiencies to Council and lead them where policy needs to be developed or improved.  Beyond this level of oversight, the Town Council performs no work for the people of Purcellville.  It is ultimately the responsibility of the hired staff, not the elected officials, to accomplish the goals of the people.  The Town Council is your voice. 

The two town employees, the Town Manager and the Town Attorney will still be managed, as written in the Town's charter, by the Mayor and Town Council.  What I recently discovered when reviewing last year's budget, was that the organization chart had changed to where the Town Attorney was now reporting to the Town Manager, Rob Lohr.  That in itself is not what the Town's charter dictates.

Notice below that the org chart for FY 2016-2017 had Sally Hankins, Town Attorney with a dotted line to the Town Manager, indicating conferring with the Town Manager, and a solid line to the Town Council, indicating reporting to the Town Council. 

Then in FY 2017-2018, the chart magically changed to have Hankins report directly to Lohr.  Before the budget was finalized Lohr retired.

Maybe it was just an oversight, maybe not.  There have been many internal personnel changes the Town Council, the public's representatives, were not made aware of.  These org charts are fun, don't you agree?  If you want to look at more, they can be found on the Town's website under:
      Government>Documents>Finanical Documents>Prior Year Budgets
Or click here to access them. 

When the budget sessions begin, one of the items covered in department's funding is employees, whether they need an additional part-time or full-time employee, whether there will be changes in department mission and have cause for a reduction.  The accountability that the Town Council is tasked with is overseeing that the funds are allocated to perform the mission of the citizens, providing us water and maintaining our assets.  They are the oversight on spending. The key words in all of this is oversight. 

There are so many unanswered questions involving poor decisions by staff.  Why was the Town Hall purchased for an extraordinary amount over assessment? 
Why was the Chairman of the Planning Commission involved in design of the new Town Hall, and was paid by the Town, a direct conflict of interest?

What is Northern Virginia Regional Commission and why was the organization paid $300,000 by Purcellville, in former Mayor, Bob Lazaro last year in service, which he is the Director of the Northern Virginia Regional Commission.   What does Northern Virginia Regional Commission do for Purcellville? 

Why was the traffic study being conducted between Catoctin Meadows and Country Club interrupted by the Fire Department?  If a permit was needed to block the street, then where was the permit when other streets were blocked?  Why didn't staff know about the permit process?

Why was core sampling not performed on the 21st Street Streetscape project in the area where the fuel tanks under the street were surprisingly discovered?  (even though there are historical photographs that reveal it)  Was there a permit from the Fire Department for this?  Why did the Fire Department's concern for the redesign of 21st Street go ignored? 

Why is the Train Station under utilized and not paying for itself?  If you are a non-profit I understand you get the use at a discounted rate.  But if you don't have documentation, as indicated on the reservation application, indicating that you are a non-profit, you don't get it for the reduced rate, I don't care if your book club isn't making money. The answer is no, you pay the full amount. 

Why is the Southern Collector Road under utilized?   Because it's a further distance for some.  Many stop in at businesses on the way home from work.  Or is the real reason to put a school in for the church?  Maybe to ruin Crooked Run Farm?

What is the policy for businesses that store exercise equipment on the side of the building for years?  Is there any civil penalties for that eyesore?

When will Purcellville truly be walkable?  32nd Street anyone?   You take your life in your hands trying to walk in the ditch. And no, traffic is not going 25 mph.

Why was an Assistant Town Manager ever needed?  Just a thought, but maybe the Town Manager was busy micro-managing.  A Town Manager that commands a hefty six-figure salary, plus a monthly stipend,  such that the Town is offering should be able to manage 6-10 people. 

I am sure that you can think of some of your own questions to ask of why things happen or don't happen in town.  It would be good to share with the Town Council as they start to look into an operational audit. 

For more information on the relationship and responsibilities of elected officials and hired staff click here

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