Sunday, March 18, 2018

Welcome to Election Season

WoW! You can really tell it is election season. The people I thought were respected in the community have really shown their spots. I have learned they are two-faced and that's not the kind of community I thought I lived in. Many may be found on the lesser Facebook group known as Purcellville Matters unCENSORED.  These same people welcomed me when I arrived many years ago and now, they are some of the nastiest people I know. If only their children could see their behavior.

The post below is from the group’s leader. 

Let me address his points here.  Let me first say that I have not met Chris Thompson.  I don’t work with Chris Thompson and have no idea about his leadership skills nor his integrity.  What this writer is saying is that Thompson’s skills are superior to our current Mayor Fraser’s skills. Honestly, I can only know the skills of our current Mayor which has been thoughtful, methodical and transparent.  Unless you’ve worked with Thompson, how could you possibly know this?

I am so proud of Mayor Fraser for doing something NO ONE has done before, collecting data before making rash decisions.  If the previous mayor had done this we wouldn't be in the financial pickle we are now and wouldn’t have that Town Mahal that keeps us spending money.  So if collecting data is bad before making a financial decision, then I can see why he's on "Team Bob" aka Chris Thompson.

This “writer” states that Mayor Fraser’s leadership skills and his private agenda (hahahahaha) has “cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars”.  What the "writer" is really saying is that he and Rob Lohr had a great relationship to get things accomplished for his family business.  Talk about hundreds of thousands of dollars!  Look at what the costs of 21st Street was for the improvements.  You ask, how is that related to the Chapman development?  Banks want to assure that the area is viable before giving money for the project.  They also want to make sure that things like utilities are available, and that it can be easily marketed to new tenants.  With recently revitalized sidewalks and scapes, this will be more attractive to tenants.  This is not just your money, this money came from a grant from the State for this improvement, so this is everyone’s money!  I wonder if I told someone in Ashburn, “thanks for helping with the Purcellville beautification project”, what their response would be.  No wonder he was outspoken when Rob retired, and I believe he’s still whining about it.  My goodness!  Let the man do what he wants.  Since when can you not change careers?

He also says that Mayor Fraser has a private agenda.  I wonder what that is because his agenda seems to focus on the citizens of this great town and stay involved in the community.  What an upbeat and approachable individual Mayor Fraser is.  You mean like the $300K private agenda of the former mayor, that assured that the funds to his new employer, Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC) would be available to "carry out its mission" for the military bases, upon his retirement as mayor, as Purcellville proudly stood by as the pass-through agent for the funds?  Forgot about that didn't you?   

The “writer” also says that he talks with businesses weekly that steer away from Purcellville.  He says that Purcellville’s reputation has suffered and says it’s a fact but provides no facts to back it up.  If he’s talking about the FAKE media thats swirling, well, that’s how they sell ads and soon enough their laptops will close because this Mayor and Council did nothing to create this fictitious turmoil in town.  What is the “writer” saying, that he didn’t want the procedures to be followed when complaints are brought forward.

What the "writer" wants to create is a message to the people of Purcellville that the sky is falling.  His superhero is Thompson who will guide the town staff to do more special favors for developers and continue to expand the town beyond its borders through annexation.  Annexation is not the answer.  It leads to more road congestion and overcrowding in schools.  Who pays for that?  EVERY TAXPAYER!

The culture the town staff depleted when Rob’s main goal was to breathe over their shoulder in his micromanagement style.  Watching who came to the front door via the cameras and listening to phone conversations and yes auditing email traffic.  That is not what a manager does.  The manager trusts his staff to accomplish the mission of the people.  It’s sad to say, but I think he didn’t trust his staff.  When the staff tell you that they are being watched by Rob, as a citizen you wonder what it must be like for these employees. Chapman you are correct on about the Town Council.  They should have evaluated Rob’s performance in more detail before the employees were overburdened by his management style.  Luckily for Rob, he retired before they had that opportunity.  In this same comment you state that the employees were afraid they may lose their jobs if they came forward about abuses, seems officers came forward, so it can’t be all of staff that was afraid. 

I'm thinking that each of these "likes" to the post from Purcellville Matters unCENSORED may have something to loose if a new mayor is elected.   

The “writer” won’t comment on this post, but I am sure his trolls will.

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